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The meaning of studying finance.


There are many advantages to studying finances.  Here are introductions to 3 primary advantages.


Money is essential for an enterprise.

Money is essential in order to stay in business as it has been said “money is the blood of the company”.  Even if there are good business ideas, even if there are talented human resources, even if there are superior technologies, an enterprise which cannot circulate money well does not last.  The topic of money is part of business, therefore it would be best to have knowledge of finance.


It is necessary to convince investors in order to obtain funds.

In order to conduct business, funds are necessary.  Convincing investors is necessary to obtain funds.  The way to do so is to present an estimation by the use of numerical value how much return they can obtain from the business.  Satisfactory explanations will build good relations with investors.  This also can be said for the managers and employees engaged in the enterprise.  By indicating your own business proposal and to some extent how much profits can accrue, you will be able to claim the proper amount of budget.


Finance is a universal language.

Discussing matters based on number is an essential skill for working adults.  The primary purpose of conducting businesses is to generate value to society and then gain the benefits.  That is universal.  Even if you were to work with people who have different backgrounds such as language, culture, gender, or religion the knowledge of finance will be a great advantage.  Naturally, nobody opposes companies that accrue more profits.

© 2014 Yusuke Nakanishi

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